标题 | 英语专四写作便条 |
范文 | 英语专四写作便条范文 1.邀请便条: ①发出邀请 发出邀请a April 20, 2008 Dear Fiona, I am going to hold a dinner party with several other friends of ours. The party will be held in Room 6 of Lijing Hotel at 5:00 p.m. today, I sincerely hope you can attend and we will have a very happy time together. Please let me know whether you can make it. Yours, Amelia 发出邀请b April 20, 2008 Dear Fiona, Here is a piece of good news for you. The * will give a performance in the * tomorrow evening. I am sure that you will be happy to watch it .The performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp. I will wait for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know whether you can make it at your earliest convenience. 发出邀请c April 20, 2008 Dear Professor Zhou, I am Amelia from class 052; I need you to give me some suggestion on my project. If it doesn’t trouble you too much, shall we have a meet at your office tomorrow? Time is up to you. Respectful yours, Amelia 发出邀请d(通知) April 20, 2008 Dear girls and boys in Class 0403, This Saturday evening, from 7 p.m. to 9 p. m., at Singeing dining hall, there will be a ball held by Class 0301. We warmly invite you to take part in it. There you can enjoy yourselves with dance, music and various games. And we’ll have a chance of communication, which will enhance the friendship between us. Come and enjoy ourselves together. Yours, Mike Monitor of Class 0301 ②接受邀请 April 20, 2008 Dear Amelia, It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I would like to come. I will go to the place right after I finish my work at about 5 p.m. this evening. (如果是办在家里:I shall be very happy to call at your house right after I finish my work at 6:30 this evening.) Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Yours, Fiona ③拒绝邀请 April 20, 2008 Dear Amelia, It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I would like to but I have a meeting to attend this evening, please give my best regards to them all and I hope my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience, have fun. Yours, Amelia 2.请假条 April 20, 2008 Dear Ms. Jiang, I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning two periods of English Class (I‘m terribly sorry to apply for ten days’ leave from the Aug. 23rd to Sep. 3rd)due to a bad cold and high fever. I will show you the certificate from the doctor to support my application. I will go back to school as soon as I recover.(I promise I will do my best to catch the missed lessons on after I come back.)Wish for your allowance. Yours respectfully, Amelia 3.请求便条 a.讲清事情的因由(为什么请求) b.请求行为 c.请求实现方式 d.致谢 套句: 请求帮助: Would you do me a favor? Would you be so kind as to…?/ Could I trouble you to send this book for me?/ If it is not too troublesome, could you…?/ I hope this request will not trouble you too much. 范文: April 20,2008 Dear Professor Hu, I am very happy to have the chance to listen to your lecture on American Literature”. But it is a pity that I was late that day due to an accident on my way to the lecture and failed to get the handout. Your lecture is really instructive for my English study, so I wonder if you could kindly e-mail the handout to the address: zhang123@yahoo.com.cn .Heartfelt thanks. Respectfully yours, Amelia 4.抱怨投诉便条(关键词complain, dissatisfaction) a.抱怨投诉行为 b.投诉内容具体描述 c.要求弥补纠正赔偿 d.抱怨投诉者对弥补纠正赔偿等的敦促或威胁 套句: 行为描述I’m writing to bring your attention to the problems I have had with … . Here’s the problem… 解决方式的要求:It would be very kind( considerate) of you to…address this problem soon. / take steps to rectify this situation soon. / turn it down a little? 敦促或威胁: Frankly, I really can’t put up with the situation any more. You must rectify the situation, or I will take it to the court. / If you can’t give me a satisfactory answer, I will complain it to the Consumer Association. 英文书信有正式与非正式之分,英文便条为非正式书信。 TEM4(英语专业四级考试)把写便条 (note~writing)列入必考项目之一,其目的是按照((高等院校英语专业英语教学大纲>)的要求,测试英语专业学生在基础阶段末用英语书面表达思想的能力。便条成绩在TEM4笔试成绩中虽只占10%,却如同一面镜子,能反映出学生英语书面交际的能力。有关英文便条写作,国内外学者多有论述 (可参见宁有权、刘永军,1999;王崇义,1995;杨俊峰,1997;Aired,Brusaw&Oliu,2000; Bates,1990)。学者们认为,便条是一种简短信函,多使用非正式语体,它的形式比一般书信简单。例如,写便条的人与收便条的人的地址、称呼中 Dear'’一词、日期中的年份以及结尾套语(complimentary close,亦称结束语),都可以省去;便条正文篇幅可小至一、两句话。可是,~TEM4便条写作而言,并不完全像以上说的那样,它有一定的限制。 英语专业四级考试大纲EM4写便条的要求是,根据提示写大约50-60~]的通知、便条、请贴等。要求格式正确,语言得体。” 英语专业四级考试大纲 的要求其实也给TEM4便条制定了评分标准。1TEIM4便条的评分往往从格式、内容、语言、字数这四方面来考虑。因此,要想写好TEM4便条,就必须掌握TEM4便条的基本要求,注意TEM4便条写作中常见的问题,以便对症下药,充分发挥自己的英文写作水平。一TEM4便条的基本要求 (一) 格式(format)正确TEM4便条的格式与普通英文书信格式基本相同。 具体来说,它应有日期(date)、称呼 (saluwfion)、正文(body)及结尾(ending),结尾包括结尾套语(complimentary close)和签名(signature)。1.日期指写便条的日期。英文便条与汉语便条的日期写的地方有别,前者的日期一般写在便条的右上角,偶尔也见写在便条的左上角,而后者的日期则写在便条的右下角,即写在签名的下面。英文日期与汉语日期的写法也有不同,汉语一般先写年,然后再写月、日,而英文则一般把年份写在月、日的后面。另外,英文日期的月、日与年之间通常用逗号隔开。例如,2008年4月21日通常写成April 21,2008或April 21 st,2008;当然,由于是非正式书信,也可以去掉年份,写成Ap l 2l或April 21st(不过,这种写法,只是最近两年才被TEM4接受),或者写成21/4/2008或4/21/2008。日期能说明便条的有效度,没有日期,则会使人感到茫然。2.称呼称呼是指写便条人对收便条人的称谓,一般都以Dear开头,写在日期下一两行、留出左页边空白,顶格写。TEM4试卷中一般对写便条人与收便条人之间的关系作了提示。提示中的you”指的是写便条人,提到的另一方便是收便条人。称呼时,一般只需在其名字前加Dear即可,如 Dear Susan,Dear Tom。若此人有头衔(social title),称呼时,便要保留其头衔,例如Dr.Herce,要称Dear Dr.Pierce,不称Dear Pierce。如果提示中的另一方是以Mrs Wang或Mr Wang出现,称呼时也只需在其前加Dear便可,即称DearMrs Wang或Dear MrWang,若只称Dear Wang则视为不妥。当对方为亲属时,在Dear 后面加上表示亲属关系大写的字眼即可,如Dear Grandpa,Dear Aunt。值得一提的是,近年来TEM4也接受不带Dear的称呼。称呼后面可用逗号,也可用冒号。3.正文www.freetem4tem8.cn正文是写便条人要叙述或谈论的事情,是便条的主要组成部分。一般书信是在称呼下方隔两行处开始写正文。但就TEM4便条而言,一般在称呼的下一行开始写正文便可。正文的首行左边一般留约5个字母宽的空白,但也可顶格写。便条的内容简单、字数少,因此,正文一般只需写一段或两段。若有两段,第二段的首行应与第一段的首行对齐写。4.结尾如前所述,结尾包括结尾套语和签名。 (1)结尾套语结尾套语的位置一般是在正文最后一行的下面,从便条的中央部分开始,稍向右缩进。当然,若正文的开头是往左顶格写,此时的结尾套语也应往左顶格写。开头字母要大写,末尾要用逗号。结尾套语为写便条人对收便条人的谦称或客套以示礼貌,措辞的变化按照不同的关系而定。现分述如下:① 致不熟悉的人,宜用较庄重的套语,如Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,或Sincerely等。② 对上级、长者,除了可用上述较庄重的套语,也可用Yours respectfully或Respectfully yours。③ 对一般朋友或熟人可用①中提到的较庄重的套语语,也可用Yours等较为随便的套语。④ 对密友则采用较随便的套语为宜。例如,Yours,Love,With love,Best wishes,Best regards等等。⑤ 对亲属可用下列任何一种:Love,With love,All my love,Yours affectionately,Affectionately yours,Lovingly yours,Yours lovingly,Your loving son(Dad?);但对亲人,不宜用Sincerely yours~由于TEM4便条写作一般是针对考生日常生活或学习相关的事情,写作的对象一般是其朋友、老师、熟人,因此,TEM4通常只接受Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Sincerely,或Yours这几种结尾套语。(2)签名即写便条人署名,位于结尾套语下,偏右。若结尾套语是往左顶格写,这时的署名也应往左顶格写。签名也由写便条人和收便条人的关系和亲疏程度而定。有时TEM4指定了写便条人的名字,签名时应采用那个名字。若无指定名字,考生也不宜用自己的真名。一般只需写名不写姓,但若用了较庄重的结尾套语,此时可签全名。 (二)内容完整一般而言,一封理想的TEM4便条应包括以下三点:(1)写便条的原因;(2)要告诉的事情;(3)有关的希望、建议或要求等。便条写作提示的情况都是与人们日常生活或学习相关的事情。例如,对别人提供的帮助表示感谢,邀请朋友参观书展,因不能准时赴约而表示道歉,把信息转告给朋友等。所提示的内容就是考生要表达的思想内容。思想内容有先后之分,要讲究其逻辑性,还得注意其完整性。生活中有些约定俗成的东西,写作时,应考虑这方面的因素。例如,写道歉信时,一般都先向对方表示歉意或内疚,同时说明发生疏忽、过失、或错误的原因,提出弥补的办法,这样有利于取得对方的谅解。现以近年一次英语专业四级考试便条写作为例加以说明:该提示是:Yesterday you failed to turn up for the appointment with your teacher,Professor Wang.Write him a note of apology and make a request for another meeting.YO u should also suggest the time for the requested meting.仔细阅读这一提示,你就会发现,第一句为第二旬所要求的道歉确定了内容;为了求得对方的谅解,获得另一次会面的机会,你就必须说明前次未能赴约见面的原因。因此,本便条的内容必须包括以下四项: (1)apologizing for failure to turn up for the appointment, (2)the reason for failure to turn up, (3)making a request for another meeting, (4)suggesting the time for the requested meeting。其中(3)、(4)为提示中明确要求表达的内容,(1)、(2)则是根据道歉类书信特点而必须表达的内容。内容为便条写作的重头戏。写作时,切莫忽视提示中的任何信息,同时要关注交际中所需的相关信息。当然,在注意提示中的信息时,特别是首句,要注意用自己正确的语言来表达,不能完全抄提示,否则会扣分。 (三)语言得体内容和语言是一个统一体。内容抓住后,应以恰当的语言来表达。一般来说,便条的语言要简单明嘹,用词平易。当然,语言风格还应与情景一致,不同的对象,所使用的语言应有所不同。相对来说,对上级、长者、不熟悉的人的语言较为正式,对亲朋好友的语言则较为随便。不过,不管对方是谁,行文中都应体现态度诚恳礼貌。 (四)字数符合要求TEM4便条总字数(包括日期、称呼、结尾在内)的要求是约50—60个字。尽管在这数字之间还可以少l0字,或多20字,即40-80字,不过,还是篇幅适中为好,以免因显得太短或太长而扣分。二TEM4便条写作中常见的问题便条写作中常见的问题主要表现在格式、内容、语言等方面。 (一)格式方面1.日期部分往往被漏掉,或漏掉日期中年与月、日之间的逗号,或在日期后面加点,或按汉语的顺序写成(如2006年4月22日,写成April 22 2006;April 22,2006.;2006.5.9;其正确形式请参照前文的相应部分),或按汉语习惯把它写在签名的下面。2.称呼未往左顶格写,或与日期同写一行;称呼后面打句号,或未打逗号或冒号。把结尾套语和签名同写一行,或漏写结尾套语,或漏掉结尾套语后面的逗号。 (二)内容方面便条的内容虽简单,但漏掉必须表达的内容的情况时有发生。例如,在前文提到的那次TEM4便条写作,考生对未赴约的原因应加以说明,可不少考生只写了如下相似内容的便条:I am very sorry for missing yesterday’s appointment,so I do hope we can mak ean other one.Sunday evening is convenient for me.W hat about you?内容方面还因理解不透,或自立标准而导致交际不成功的情况也不鲜见。还是以前文提到的那次TEM4便条写作为例,评分取样的九份答卷中就有三份类似的例子。其中一份这样写道,I’m very glad to receive your note.About our appointment I think we can change an other time.Maybe tomorrow,1 will be fre an d stay at home all day.Ifyouarealsofreetomorrow ,you can call me at anytime.Then 1 will visit you?”该提示要写一封简短的道歉信,而这位考生的答案却与此大相径庭,信中丝毫没有流露出道歉的意念。 (三)语言方面便条中的语言错误可分为理解和表达两大类,主要体现在措辞、语法、拼写等方面。 1.措辞不当措辞不当在这里既指一般遣词造句中出现的语言运用错误 (performance erors),又指因未按TEM4便条测试中提供的语境遣词造句而产生的语用失误(pragmatic failures),还指因忽视对方的社会或文化背景差异而造成的语用失误。此类问题在TEM4便条写作中相当严重。我们还是以前文提到的那次TEM4便条写作为例;鉴于篇幅,且举三例:(1) 在1 would appreciate you if you could have another meeting with me这句话中,appreciate后面的宾语不妥。只要细心的读者翻阅一下词典,就会发现appreciate(感谢)的英文释义是be grateful for(something),若把句中的you改为it(代表后面那件事),或把appreciate改为be grateful to,或把appreciate you改为be grateful,这句话就对了。(2)考生在便条的开头就对因病未能与王教授约会表示道歉后,接着写道:I'm anxious to make an appointment with you.而根据上下文应该是,I'm anxious to make another appointment with you(??与你另订一次约会)。(3)你(写便条人)自己因某种原因而没去赴约,况且约会的对象是你的老师,事后还要命令对方到你家来见你,或以命令的 IZl吻表示要给你打电话。象You must come to my home”,或‘'Give me a call to discuss it further'’这类话有失礼貌,使人读后感到不舒服。 2.语法错误便条中的语法错误有多种,常见的有冠词、词性、动词的时与体、句子结构等错误。(1)冠词错误,如I'm anxious to make a(应为an)appointment with you.(2)词性错误,如I must make an apologize(正确为apology)for failing to turn up for the appointment.(3)动词的时与体等方面的错误,例如:a.If you will be(应把will be改为are)free tomorrow, we shall meet again.b.I am sorry to fail(正确为to have failed而不是tofall,因事情已发生)to turn up for the appointment yesterday.(4)句子结构错误,例如:I'm very sorry.I didn’t turn up for the appointment with you. Because my mother was seriously ill yesterday and I had to take her to see the doctor(应改为I'm very sorry I didn’t turn up for the appointment with you yesterday because my mother was seriously ill and I had to take her to see the doctor). 3.拼写错误与别的主观题一样,便条写作中拼写错误数见不鲜。例如:professor---,profesor/profesor;convenient-* conveint/convinen~convinient; recejve—} recieve; appointment ---~apointment/pointment. |
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