The father of one victim spoke with remarkable magnanimity. 一名受害者的.父亲以极为宽容的口吻发了言。 We will have to show magnanimity in victory 我们必须表现出胜者的大度。 Research of personalized recommender system based on data mining on magnanimity data 基于海量数据挖掘的个性化推荐系统 They asked her to be merciful to the prisoners. 他们要她对犯人慈悲为怀。 Eventually the session came to a merciful end. 这次开庭的最终结果令人庆幸。 We can only hope the court is merciful. 我们唯有寄希望于法庭的宽大处理。 上一篇:imagine的形容词和名词形式 下一篇:have是什么时态用 |