标题 | 感悟人生英文句子 |
范文 | 感悟人生英文句子 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家对句子都再熟悉不过了吧,借助句子,我们可以更好地表达。你还在找寻优秀经典的句子吗?以下是小编精心整理的感悟人生英文句子,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 1、过去了就大度一些,好好过好现在的生活! In the past, be generous and live a good life now! 2、不要浪费你的生命,在你一定会后悔的地方上。 Don't waste your life where you will regret. 3、本分成家眠也稳,亏心创业梦何安。 I have a stable sleep at home. I feel sorry for my entrepreneurial dream. 4、乱世出英雄,也出奸雄、狗熊;盛世同样如此。 In troubled times, heroes, villains and bears emerge; The same is true in prosperous times. 5、若等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。 If easy, white young head, empty sad. 6、真实的人生是去认真做好,每一天你分内的事情。 Real life is to do your part every day. 7、我只是想成为你的心跳,或者让你成为我的心跳。 I just want to be your heartbeat, or let you be my heartbeat. 8、黄连树根盘根,穷苦人心连心。 The roots of coptis root, poor people heart to heart. 9、敢于对抗所有人,把梦做到底,是一种做人的极致。 Daring to fight everyone and dream to the end is the ultimate of being a man. 10、做个好人一生疾苦,做个坏人一世风流。 To be a good man is bitter all his life, and to be a bad man is romantic all his life. 11、错误并非总是意味着无知,知识并非总是召之即来。 Error does not always mean ignorance, and knowledge is not always called. 12、抬手掸去心头的尘埃,让日子也跟着静下来。 Raise your hand to brush away the dust in your heart and let the days calm down. 13、没关系,我们都是这样长大的。因为这就是人生。 It doesn't matter. We all grew up like this. Because this is life. 14、无论有多无助的时候,微笑是最好的振作方法。 No matter how helpless, smiling is the best way to cheer up. 15、最后是你开了口,我才放了手。 Finally, you opened your mouth and I let go. 16、我在时光里享受温暖。我在流年里忘记花开。 I enjoy warmth in time. I forget flowers in fleeting years. 17、人生的修行,很大程度就是对欲望的控制。 The practice of life is largely the control of desire. 18、笑是两个人之间最短的距离。 Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. 19、时间它杀死了全部的从前,你也没必要再去怀念。 Time kills all the past, and you don't have to miss it. 20、只有超出别人的付出,才会有超出别人的收获。 Only by exceeding the efforts of others will there be gains beyond others. 21、能忍之人,事事称心;善嗔之人,时时地狱。 He who can bear everything is satisfied; Those who are good at anger are always in hell. 22、用快乐的歌声赞美生活,传递文明。 Praise life with happy songs and convey civilization. 23、一生中遇到什么并不重要,最重要的是你如何应对。 It doesn't matter what happens in your life. The most important thing is how you deal with it. 24、心再坚强,也有撑不住的时候。 No matter how strong your heart is, there are times when you can't hold it. 25、所有人的坚强,都是柔软生的茧。 The adamancy of a person is the callus formed upon his past softness. 26、当你历经苦难而不气馁,那就是实力。 When you go through hardships without being discouraged, that is strength. 27、人生无非就是你笑笑人家,人家笑笑你。 Life is nothing more than you laugh at others and others laugh at you. 28、我把心都用来爱了你,却忘了用一点来爱自己。 I used my heart to love you, but forgot to love myself with a little. 29、偏执的人一旦陷入爱情,就成为自己的囚徒。 Once a paranoid person falls in love, he becomes his own prisoner. 30、最深的孤独不是黑暗,而是你只能看到自己。 The deepest loneliness is not darkness, but you can only see yourself. 31、青春是面旗帜,只有在活力的风中才能尽情舞动。 Youth is a flag, which can only be danced in the energetic wind. 32、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。 Because of love, so compassionate; Because understand, so tolerance. 33、有些感情,总归要结束,有些人,注定是过客。 Some feelings always end, and some people are destined to be passers-by. 34、百千法门,同归方寸,河沙妙法,总在心源。 Hundreds and thousands of dharmas, all return to square inches. The wonderful Dharma of river and sand is always at the source of the heart. 35、风有风的自由,云有云的温柔,没必要模仿。 There is no need to imitate the freedom of wind and the tenderness of cloud. 36、不抱怨的世界,你发现,你已经很幸福。 Do not complain about the world, you find that you have been very happy. 37、若总被忽视,又何必作贱了自己。 If you are always ignored, why make yourself cheap. 38、天才不是别的,而是辛劳和勤奋。 Genius is nothing but hard work and diligence. 39、并非没有珍惜过,有时真的无从把握。 It's not that I haven't cherished it. Sometimes I really can't grasp it. 40、你可以随时转身,但不能一直后退。 You can turn around at any time, but you can't go back all the time. 41、理想与现实之间,动机与行为之间,总有一道阴影。 There is always a shadow between ideal and reality, between motivation and behavior. 42、繁华历尽,方知平凡是真;回首沧桑,只想平淡如水。 After prosperity, we know that ordinary is true; Looking back on the vicissitudes of life, I just want to be as plain as water. 43、时间不会回头,爱情岂能如果。 Time will not turn back, how can love if. 44、只有做强势的女人,才能拥有强势的命运。 Only by being a strong woman can we have a strong destiny. 45、曾经共患难的知己别忘,一起共风雨的伴侣别弃。 Don't forget the bosom friend who once shared weal and woe, and don't abandon the partner who shared weal and woe together. 46、回忆里的人是不能去见的,见了回忆就没了。 The person in the memory can't go to see. When you see the memory, it's gone. 47、健康的活着,生命大于天,不止直到永远永远! Live healthily, life is greater than days, not only forever! 48、不要被昨天所打败,明天要更更灿烂的`微笑。 Don't be defeated by yesterday. Smile more brightly tomorrow. 49、你捧我的场,我捧你的场,这是好朋友。 You hold my field, I hold your field, this is a good friend. 50、不亦仰望别人,自己亦是风景。 If you don't look up to others, you are also a scenery. 51、刺青,刺在皮肤的表面,流淌的是切入骨髓的信仰。 Tattoo, stabbed on the surface of the skin, flows the belief of cutting into the bone marrow. 52、他是我的梦,怎么可能每个人都懂。 He is my dream. How can everyone understand it. 53、比别人多一点努力,你就会多一份成绩。 If you work harder than others, you will have more achievements. 54、想要得到一样东西,必须先失去另一样。 To get one thing, you must lose another. 55、不要骗我,你知道即使你的谎话我都会相信。 Don't lie to me, you know I'll believe even your lies. 56、诚信是人最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花。 Honesty is the most beautiful coat and the most holy flower of the soul. 57、你对他所知越少,他在你心里就越美好。 The less you know about him, the better he will be in your heart. 58、一个优秀的人:守时,不吹嘘,有底线,不占小便宜。 An excellent person: punctual, don't boast, have a bottom line and don't take small advantage. 59、上帝没有特别眷顾我,也没抛弃我,只是在耍我。 God didn't take special care of me or abandon me. He was just playing with me. 60、没有旁观者的人生,依然要走得精彩。 A life without onlookers still needs to be wonderful. 61、在敌人面前,谁先镇定下来,谁就离胜利不远了。 Whoever calms down first in front of the enemy is not far from victory. 62、忍一时,争千秋。形势比人强时,就要忍。 Endure for a while and fight for a thousand years. When the situation is stronger than others, we must bear it. 63、宁可装傻,也不要自作聪明。 It's better to pretend to be stupid than to be smart. 64、用观赏的心情,去看待世间的一切。 Look at everything in the world with an ornamental mood. 65、这世界上妖怪越来越多,唐僧越来越少。 There are more and more monsters in the world and fewer Tang monks. 66、男人到中年,心累,情深,担子重。 Men in middle age are tired, affectionate and bear a heavy burden. 67、一个明智的人,不会妄断他人的是非。 A wise man will not judge the right and wrong of others. 68、但于一切一切法,不作有无见,即见法也。 But in all laws, do not see whether there is or not, that is, see the law. 69、很多的烦恼其实本是没有必要,全是我们自己执着。 A lot of troubles are actually unnecessary. They are all our own persistence. 70、精于算计,人财两空多的是。 Good at calculation, people and money are empty. 71、选对生活方式可以健康一生。 Choosing the right lifestyle can lead to a healthy life. 72、你给我的爱已不在,可我还在等着你回来。 The love you gave me is gone, but I'm still waiting for you to come back. 73、缘深缘浅,皆注定;缘聚缘散,随天愿。 Deep edge and shallow edge are doomed; Together and apart, as God wishes. 74、最困难的事情是决定行动,剩下的就是坚持了。 The most difficult thing is to decide to act, and the rest is to stick to it. 75、人与人的距离,有时是说的太少,有时是说的太吵。 The distance between people is sometimes too little, sometimes too noisy. 76、不要见谁都倾诉,懂你的人太少。 Don't talk to everyone. There are too few people who know you. 77、因为得不到、所以念念不忘。 Because I can't get it, I never forget it. |
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