标题 | 房县探险记英语作文 |
范文 | 房县探险记英语作文 在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是小编帮大家整理的房县探险记英语作文,欢迎大家分享。 这次,我到房县山区参加夏令营。到了基地后,导游先带领我们熟悉一下四周的环境,然后让我们自由活动一个小时左右。跟我们一同来夏令营的郭老师叫我们陪她散散步,我们高兴地答应了。 This time, I went to Fangxian mountain area for summer camp. After arriving at the base, the tour guide will first familiarize us with the surrounding environment, and then let us move freely for about an hour. Guo, who came to the summer camp with us, asked us to take a walk with her, and we agreed happily. 路上我们欣赏着美丽的'景色,不知不觉来到一个石梯前。由下向上望去,只见石梯高耸入云,使人望而生畏,但当看到上面那云蒸霞蔚的壮丽景象时,又不由得想上去领略一下那身临仙境的感觉。 On the way, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and unconsciously came to a stone terrace. From the bottom to the top, you can see the stone ladder towering into the clouds, which makes people look intimidating. But when you see the magnificent scene of the clouds above, you can't help but want to go up and enjoy the feeling of being in the fairyland. 于是我提议爬上去看看,有些同伴打了退堂鼓,最后只剩下郭老师、凤、丽和我“四大美女”共同上阵。刚往上爬的时候,我还不以然,一边欣赏着周围的风景,一边与同伴们聊着天。可是刚爬了十几分钟,我就开始腿软脚麻:这石梯怎么这么陡呀,似乎是垂直下来的,我的腿直打哆嗦,也不知是累的还是吓的。扭回头一看,紧跟在后面的丽简直就站在我的脚底下。只见她闭着眼,咬着牙,双手紧紧抓住栏杆,小心地挪动步子,生怕掉了下去。 So I suggested climbing up to have a look. Some of my companions played the retreat drum. At last, only Miss Guo, Feng, Li and my "Four Beauties" were left to fight together. When I first climbed up, I was enjoying the scenery and chatting with my friends. But just after climbing for more than ten minutes, I began to feel numb: why is this stone ladder so steep? It seems that it's coming down vertically. My legs are shaking. I don't know if I'm tired or scared. Looking back, Li, who was right behind me, was standing under my feet. She closed her eyes, bit her teeth, held on to the railing with both hands, and moved carefully for fear of falling. 终于到达了梯顶,首先映入眼帘的是一个亭子,仔细一看,上书“云逸亭”三个石雕大字,哇,这是谁留下的墨宝呢?我们在亭子里歇了一会儿,看时间差不多了,就准备往回走。可是又犯难了,怎么?前面有两条路,我们不知该走哪一条了?唉,听天由命吧。我们从地上捡起一根树枝,向上一扔,再闭上眼睛,待树枝落下时,我们慢慢睁开眼,树枝指向右边那条道,好,那就走这条。 Finally, I reached the top of the ladder. First of all, I saw a pavilion. After a careful look, I wrote three big characters of "Yunyi Pavilion". Wow, who left the calligraphy? We rested in the pavilion for a while. It was almost time, so we were ready to go back. But it's hard again. What? There are two roads ahead. Which one should we take? Oh, let it be. We pick up a branch from the ground, throw it up and close our eyes. When the branch falls, we slowly open our eyes. The branch points to the right road. OK, let's go. 我们又上路了,走了许久,到一个地方时,觉得这地方特眼熟,这不是刚才经过的地方吗?难道,难道我们迷路了?我们有些担心起来。环顾四周,发现那儿还有条小路,我们没有放弃希望,向那条小路挺进。 We went on the road again. After a long walk, when we got to a place, we felt that this place was very familiar. Isn't this the place we just passed by? Are we lost? We are a little worried. Looking around, we found that there was still a path there. We didn't give up hope and went to that path. 走着走着,前面居然没路了,一看表,自由活动时间已经结束了,再不回去,大家一定会担心的。“这可怎么办呀?”丽说话时都带着哭腔,我们几个也焦急起来。郭老师非常镇静地安慰我们说:“大家不要慌,冷静下来,仔细辨认一下方向,回忆一下来的时候路的特征。”我们一听,也冷静了下来,忽然——“这儿有人走过,这是脚印!”我指着山壁上的几个鞋印叫了起来,大家聚过来看。“对,我们试试,或许能找到出路。” Walking, there is no way ahead. Look at the watch, the free time is over. If you don't go back, you will be worried. "What can I do?" Li spoke with a cry in her voice, and several of us were anxious. Mr. Guo comforted us very calmly and said, "don't panic, calm down, carefully identify the direction, and recall the characteristics of the road." As soon as we heard it, we calmed down, and all of a sudden, "someone's passing by here, it's footprints!" I pointed to a few footprints on the mountain wall and shouted. Let's get together and have a look. "Yes, let's try. Maybe we can find a way out." 我们顺着这条路攀援而上,这条路虽然不陡,但是上面一直有细沙直向下洒落,一不小心就会迷眼。我侧着头,眯着眼,手抓树干,一马当先。她们也学着我的样子,奋力往上走。这时候谁也没有心情留心周围的景致了,大家一句话也不说,心情都很紧张。终于,我抢先爬了上去,一看,好大一片茶园啊,这不就是上午我们经过的地方?!“我们回来了!”我高兴得不能自已,跳着喊起来。接着她们也陆续爬了上来,脸上都满是微笑。在这翠绿欲滴的茶园里,我们大叫,刚才绷紧的神经一下轻松了,心情好了很多。 We climb up this road. Although it is not steep, there is always fine sand falling down on it. We will lose our eyes if we are not careful. I'm sideways, squinting, grabbing at the tree trunk, ahead of the rest. They also learn from me and strive to go up. At this time, no one is in the mood to pay attention to the surrounding scenery. Everyone is very nervous without saying a word. Finally, I climbed up first. Look, it's a big tea garden. Isn't this where we passed in the morning?! "We're back!" I couldn't help myself, jumping and shouting. Then they climbed up, smiling. In this green tea garden, we cried out. The nervous tension just now relaxed and we were in a lot of good mood. 走过茶园,看见五颜六色的小花,我们三个还未长大的女孩,最受不住花的诱惑,不顾郭老师地催促,摘起花来。 Walking through the tea garden, I saw the colorful flowers. The three girls who are not grown up can't stand the temptation of the flowers. They picked the flowers despite the urging of Miss Guo. 我们拿着手中的“战利品”凯旋了,到了营地,大家都非常羡慕,一些同学不停追问我们经历了什么事,让我觉得自己真的跟英雄似的。 When we arrived at the camp, we were very envious. Some students kept asking what we had experienced, which made me feel like a hero. 那次探险真是即紧张刺激,又充满了乐趣。你也想试试吗?就请到十堰房县来吧。 The expedition was both exciting and fun. Do you want to try? Please come to Shiyan Fangxian. |
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