例句: I am bound to say I disagree with you on this point. 我觉得有必要指出,在这一点上我不同意你的`观点。 They can communicate even when they strongly disagree. 他们即使是在有较大分歧时也能相互交流。 Scientists disagree about how the universe was created. 科学家对宇宙是怎样形成的有分歧。 I strongly disagree with this amoral approach to politics. 我强烈不同意这种对政治采取非道德化的态度。 You must continue to see them no matter how much you may disagree with them. 不管你与他们有多大分歧,都必须一如既往地去看他们。 上一篇:山东省有什么本科学校分很低 下一篇:幼儿园简单的开学通知简短 |