标题 | 网购的高考英语作文 |
范文 | 2015关于网购的高考英语作文 今天早上,我一起床,就跑去阳台,呼吸着新鲜的空气,欣赏着明媚的阳光,然后,就和爸爸、妈妈坐家乐福免费巴士去家乐福购物,准备年货过年。 This morning, I got up, and ran to the balcony, breathing the fresh air, enjoy the sunshine, then, and father, mother take the free bus to Carrefour, Carrefour shopping, to have the Spring Festival special purchases for the Spring Festival. 到了家乐福广场下了车,我跟随爸爸妈妈左转右转下电梯,爸爸说到了,哇!原来是地下室广场,我们拿到购物车就开始逛商场。家乐福的东西真是应有尽有,首先,我为我自己买了一瓶周杰伦代表的优乐美原味奶茶,2.6元,我看着都想喝,我妈妈买了带皮前腿21.1元,排骨骼28元,还有st洋葱5.6元和st莴笋2.6元等等,还有我们一家三口都爱的开心果39.9元,爸爸买了糖果和零食一大包,我们去买单了,总价437.8元,我付了450元,找回12.2元,我们又坐车回家了。 Carrefour Plaza to the car, I follow mom and dad left and right down the elevator, dad said, wow! It is the basement of the square, we get the car started shopping mall. Carrefour is something really have everything that one expects to find, first of all, I bought a bottle of Jay Chou on behalf of the tea flavor of tea, 2.6 yuan for my own, I watched all want to drink, my mother bought a leather front row 21.1 yuan, 28 yuan and St skeleton, onions and lettuce 2.6 yuan 5.6 yuan st and so on, we have a three are 39.9 Yuan love happy, my father bought a bag of sweets and snacks, we get the check, the total price of 437.8 yuan, I paid 450 yuan, 12.2 yuan back, we went home by bus. 回到家里爸爸教我学会做帐,怎么样做计划,计算支出、结余等管家常识,今天,我真高兴,我不但买了优乐美奶茶还有开心果等自己喜欢零食,而且又学多了一些生活知识,还吃到妈妈做汉堡,真是美味。 Back home my father taught me how to do the planning, accounting, calculation of spending, balance the housekeeper of common sense, today, I'm really happy, I not only buy tea tea and pistachio themselves like snacks, but also learn some knowledge of life, but also to eat my mother do Hamburg, delicious. |
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