标题 | 英语作文400字 |
范文 | 精选英语作文400字十篇 在生活、工作和学习中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编收集整理的英语作文400字10篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 英语作文400字 篇1Long-awaited winter vacation life is about to start, in order to have a perfect and happy summer vacation, I've set a plan for the winter vacation, for their content is as follows: A teacher winter vacation homework, do every day 10 pages each, for within three days to complete winter vacation homework. Second, is to do good, in advocate for propaganda. Third, learn to play jump ball. Four, learn to write c font, strive for to write beautiful calligraphy. Five, a classmate party, eat delicious, go out to play one day, but in play at the same time to pay attention to safety. Six, the national flag, learn personal character and social learning lays the foundation for the next semester. 英语作文400字 篇2The weather is very nice in April, the temperature is around 15-20C,I think this is the best temperature through out the whole season. I feel very comfortable in this kind of weather. A lot of people start having outdoor activities. Young kids playing sports in the park, and also there are people taking their vacations during this time. People start putting on their nice light dresses instead of big heavy winter jackets, and waiting for the summer to come。 四月的天气很好,温度在15-20c,我认为这是最好的温度在整个赛季。在这种天气里我感到很舒服。很多人开始有户外活动。年轻的孩子在公园里做运动,在这个时候还有人在度假。人们开始穿上漂亮的衣服,而不是大的大冬天的外套,等待夏天到来。 英语作文400字 篇3Hello, my dear friends! What’s my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance(芳香). There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens(滋润) the trees and the flowers. I think they may say, “We’re very thirsty. The rain is very good. It can help us.” What a beautiful scene! Don’t you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me? 英语作文400字 篇4It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were two interesting ones. My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it was a football. BUt when I opened it, it turned out to be a clock. My brother gave me a message, saying that "My present has been put in your bedroom. "As soon as I went into my bedroom, I found a box. I opened it and found a laptop. I was very happy. These two presents aim to let me study hard and not to waste time. 昨天是我的生日,我收到了很多礼物。它们用彩纸包着,其中有两件有趣的东西。 我姐姐送了我一个圆纸包,开始我认为是个足球,但打开后才发现是一个闹钟。我哥给我留了张条,告诉我:“我的礼物已经放在你的卧室里了。”我走进卧室,发现一个盒子。我打开了它,里面是一台笔记本电脑。我非常高兴。 英语作文400字 篇5尊敬的老师, 亲爱的同学们,大家好。 今天,我要竞选的是英语课代表,我从一年级就开始学习英语,而且一直到现在我都在学习英语,无论是严寒还是酷暑,无论刮风还是下雨,从来没有缺过一次课。(除了特殊情况)英语这门课我是有优势的。 我的英语成绩与我的`勤奋学习有关联的。发扬我们以前的优点,改进缺点,上课让同学们遵守纪律,作业按时完成,同学们互相监督单词记忆情况,课文背诵情况,争取在本学期中少一个不及格的同学,多一个一百分的同学,英语在本学期五年极力争取考一个第一名,上英语课应该用英语交流在家里应该多听多读的好习惯,我想这样我们班英语一定会名列前茅的。 我也说一下自己的缺点:“英语在家里我都不怎么听读这个毛病我会借着这次竞选的平台改掉,希望大家监督我的行为,我一定会改掉这个毛病。”不过我有个优点:“我不会的单词我会把它写到一个纸条上,放在衣服兜里,又是拿出来记记,时间久了就会了。” 假如这次落选了,我一定会找出自己的缺点改进。我绝不会气馁,也不会放弃的。请同学们投我一票吧!因为我十分愿意担任这个职位,谢谢大家! 英语作文400字 篇6今天晚上,我去上了英语班,真高兴啊。 一进门,看到所有同学都望着我,就如同我走错班似得,我问老师:”老师,我的座位在哪里?“英语老师亲切地说:”哦,在那里,休息会吧!““嗯,好的。”我应声下,走到自己的座位,看到同桌是个女生,就离她远一点。 过了一会而,老师准备讲课了,因为这是第一次上英语班,有点不熟悉这里的环境,就有一点害羞。……然后,老师高声地说:”你们有谁没学过英语的,举一下手吧!“我听到就高高地举起手,老师看过了看过去,然后就让我们放下了。老师说:”好的,那我请一位同学来告诉我苹果怎么拼,并把它给读出来。“老师望了望我,就叫了我的名字:”陈新远,你来回答吧!“我慢吞吞地站了起来,低头看见所有同学都在看着我,为了面子,只好说啦:”嗯内个 a-p-p-l-e,apple。“看着同学们的表情,我就知道我读错了,后来,老师表扬我说:“good!sit down!“(呼)我松了一口气,才知道我读对了。”你第一次学,就回了,真棒哦!“老师表扬我说。我开心地笑了笑,然后坐下来继续听课。 以后的每一节课,我都很认真地听课,没被老师骂过呢! 英语作文400字 篇7Hundreds of millions of years ago, the Earth's animals go when the plant has a lush, full of vibrant, full of green, but the IQ is much higher than other animals, humans appear, by magic plant as a sharp decrease. That is because human beings to build houses, caused by the felling of trees. Either because of business needs, a large number of trees felled leaving a large number of open space, used to build the building. Because many people without felling trees and trees, so the destruction of nature. WiseMedia I hope everyone can protect the forest, protection of trees, so that the city's life add in green! 英语作文400字 篇8My family has a cute and naughty little white dog, we call it "yellow". Yellow and yellow round, the body covered with white long hair, hand touch, soft, warm, slippery, really like a group of lovely small pompon. Eyes black yo, like two shiny black pearls. Ears sharp, very sensitive, erected, vigilant to listen to all around. It is a very, very small "big dog". Yellow is very lively and fun. When the yellow is very excited, it shook his tail to play its good show: sometimes at home to move west jump, sometimes desperately shaking the tail, sometimes with the claws flutter our legs asked to hold. Yellow naive cute. We love very yellow. 英语作文400字 篇9I like traveling on foot With my brother in holidays. At the very beginning, I felt very tired. I got out of breath so easily. Then my brother started to tell me some interesting stories. We walked and walked while he didn't stop telling stories. We walked a long way without knowing. Then my brother asked me, "Are you still feeling tired?" The feelings of tiredness were already out of my mind. 徒步旅行-Travel on Foot 我喜欢在假期跟哥哥一起徒步旅行。刚开始的时候,我还真有点吃不消,没走多远就累得上气不接下气。于是哥哥就给我讲动听的故事。他一边讲我们一边走,不知不觉走了很远。哥哥问我:“你还累吗?”呵呵,我早把“累”这回事忘到九霄云外去了。 英语作文400字 篇10每次上英语课时,我都会有一种“莫名其妙”的“空虚”,以前我是科代表,一上英语课就venybusy,现在没事情做了,心里就有种极度的失落感,还是悠然自得地度过一节课吧! misswang又“发飙”了,上课期间,总有一部分“不法分子”捣乱,上着上着,王老师就喊我们全体同学站起来,“不法份子”的代表——王君站到后面去,这时的王君很淡定地慢慢走到后面靠墙站着,他已经习惯了老师的惩罚,觉得都无所谓了。 不止如此,我后面的同学易君,她也是“作死人”之一。这不,易君竟然把我借给她的一段透明胶贴到我的衣服上面,还好被我及时发现,心里非常生气,很想起来收拾她一顿,想到是上课时间,我先不给她计较,等下课后,哼!你懂的。 我试着把透明胶扯下来,但好几次都失败,这时曾君看到了,他伸出“援助之手”一把就取下来了,我很感激曾君,而我们的这一幕却被misswang看见了,她怒吼起来,“穿黄色衣服的女生,把手中的东西交上来!”我一瞬间就呆住了,自己是受害者,怎么还被点名?还要上交手里的透明胶,当时的我心里好委屈,有一种欲哭无泪的感觉。 哎!下次上英语的要小心再小心了。 |
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