标题 | 同学聚会的小学英语作文 |
范文 | 同学聚会的小学英语作文 在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是小编帮大家整理的同学聚会的小学英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 Since the holiday, every day is a continuous fine drizzle, today finally cleared up, looking at such a good weather, I am particularly happy, but also today is our high school students together day. In the morning, after breakfast, I started home early and headed for my alma mater. Along the way, thinking, imagining the students to meet the future changes and what will happen. Time passed by, and finally came to our alma mater. As soon as I walked into the campus, I had a vivid picture of the past. Suddenly, there was a kind of intimacy in my heart. Meanwhile, I found that our alma mater had changed a lot. First of all, the teaching building is covered with new clothes, painted new, and the change of the dining hall, the construction of the library and so on, all of which appeared after we left. Walking on the campus Avenue, carefully recall the previous reading life, really do not have a taste. I saw a few random walk a few lessons for students, they are in a hurry to depart, time is too precious for them. Along the tree lined trail, I came to our meeting place - before the school classroom, then have several classmates, I speed up the pace, loudly shouting their names, then naturally some of the greetings, and each person's face is no doubt surprise feelings are revealed. Then everyone's laughter in the students one after another to have come, in a greetings after us toward the next destination - the teacher went home. Our class teacher is still like the same year, speak particularly humorous, funny. The next time is dinner and entertainment...... The day ended with a laugh, and it was nice to have a reunion! 自从放假以后,天天都是下着绵绵细细雨,今天终于放晴了,看着这样的好天气心里特别高兴,同时还有就是今天是我们高中同学相聚的日子。 早上,吃完早餐我早早地就从家里出发了,朝着目的地我们的母校走去。一路上,思绪万千,想象着同学们的变化以及见面以后会出现什么样的情景呢等等。时间不知不觉过去了,终于来到了我们的母校。一走进校园,以前的景象历历在目,顿时心底涌上了一种亲切感,同时也发现我们的母校发生了很大的.变化。首先是教学楼披上了新装,粉刷一新,还有就是食堂的改变,图书馆的建成等等,这些都是我们离开后才出现的。走在校园的林荫道上,仔细回想以前的读书生活,还真的别有一番滋味。这时只见小道上稀稀疏走着几个补课的学生,他们行色匆匆,现在时间对他们来说太宝贵了。沿着林荫小道,我来到了我们聚会的地点——以前读书的教室,这时已经有好几个同学到了,我加快脚步,大声地喊着她们的名字,这时自然有一番问候了,而且每个人脸上的惊喜之情都表露无疑。接下来在大家的笑声中同学们陆陆续续地都来了,在一片问候声后我们朝着下一个目的地走去——老师的家。我们的班主任依然如当年一样,说话特别幽默,风趣。在接下去的时间就是大家聚餐,娱乐…… 这一天在一片欢笑声中结束了,同学聚会真好! |
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