标题 | 美丽的玉田公园初二英语日记带翻译优秀 |
范文 | 美丽的玉田公园初二英语日记带翻译优秀范文 我的家乡在古田,这里有个美丽的玉田公园。公园风景秀丽,是人们休闲的`好去处。 My hometown is Gutian. There is a beautiful Yutian park here. The park has beautiful scenery and is a good place for people to relax. 来到玉田公园,首先印入眼帘的是一个宽阔的广场,广场两边新修的几座造型别致的亭子。走了几步台阶就看到了一座圆形喷泉,每当夜晚来临伴着五彩的光束,喷洒着泉水五光十色,美丽极了! When I came to Yutian Park, the first thing I saw was a wide square, with some newly built pavilions on both sides of the square. After walking a few steps, you can see a round fountain. When the night comes, it is accompanied by colorful beams of light and spray with colorful water. It is extremely beautiful! 沿着石阶往上走,来到了长寿路。长寿路两旁绿树成阴,鲜花盛开。微风拂过,空气中散发着阵阵花香,鸟儿在枝上歌唱。 Walk up the stone steps to longevity Road. Changshou Road is lined with trees and flowers. The breeze blows, the air sends out the flower fragrance, the bird sings on the branch. 玉田公园真美啊! Yutian park is so beautiful! |
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