标题 | 奶奶家的菜园英语作文 |
范文 | 奶奶家的菜园英语作文 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?下面是小编为大家整理的奶奶家的菜园英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 奶奶住在哈业胡同的一个村子里。奶奶家有一片菜园,里面的蔬菜都是奶奶亲手种的。奶奶种的蔬菜都是自然生长,很有营养、富含维生素,不上化肥而上农家肥。对于我来说,比市场上卖的'蔬菜好吃一千倍。每次我去奶奶家都能看到很多蔬菜,尤其是秋天,庄稼都丰收了。各种各样的蔬菜都可以吃了,我不禁地想到: Grandma lives in a village in haye alley. There is a vegetable garden in grandma's house. All the vegetables are planted by grandma herself. Grandma's vegetables are all natural growth, very nutritious, rich in vitamins, not on fertilizer and farmyard fertilizer. For me, it's a thousand times better than the vegetables on the market. Every time I go to grandma's house, I can see a lot of vegetables. Especially in autumn, the crops are in good harvest. With all kinds of vegetables available, I couldn't help thinking: 豆角轻轻细又长,黄瓜身穿绿衣裳。 The beans are thin and long, and the cucumbers are dressed in green. 茄子高高挂灯笼,萝卜地下捉迷藏。 Eggplant high hanging lantern, radish underground hide and seek. 辣椒长个尖尖嘴,南瓜越老皮越黄。 Pepper has a sharp mouth. The older the pumpkin, the yellower its skin. 红绿黄紫真好看,菜园一片好风光。 Red, green, yellow and purple are really beautiful. The vegetable garden is a beautiful scenery. 奶奶家的菜园就像这首诗歌一样美。秋天,奶奶就把她亲手种的蔬菜给我们一家三口以及二姑、姥姥。我吃到奶奶亲手种的蔬菜,感觉仿佛我抱着奶奶一样高兴。 Grandma's garden is as beautiful as this poem. In autumn, grandma will give her vegetables to our family of three, her second aunt and grandma. I eat the vegetables that my grandma grows by herself, and feel as happy as if I am holding her. 我最喜欢吃奶奶种的蔬菜,吃奶奶种的蔬菜就是我最高兴的一刻。 I like eating grandma's vegetables best. Eating grandma's vegetables is my happiest moment. |
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