标题 | 英语清明手抄报内容 |
范文 | 有关英语清明手抄报内容 清明节,英文标准译名:Tomb-sweeping Day或者Pure Brightness。是中国的二十四节气之一,每年的阳历四月五日。下面我们为你带来有关英语清明手抄报内容,仅供参考,希望能够帮到大家。 清明节英语怎么说? 首先我们要清楚的是:作为节日的清明节、和作为节气的清明节,它们的英文说法是不同的。 作为节日的清明节一般翻译为"Tomb Sweeping festival"或者"Tomb-sweeping Day",扫墓节或扫墓日。这个翻译着重强调了清明节的重要习俗“扫墓”。这种说法的好处是,老外一听就能大概明白这个节日的背后含义。 也有人把清明节翻译为"All SoulsDay",这是一种站在对方文化角度考虑做出的翻译。因为"All SoulsDay"在西方是确实存在的节日,一般称为“万灵日”。这是一个宗教节日,在有的教派里甚至不止一天。教会会在这一天为那些去世后无法进入天 堂的信徒祈祷,希望他们早日进入天堂。其基本意义和清明节相似,也是祭奠死者的节日。 另外再谈到作为节气的清明,它被译为"Clear and Bright",清洁和明亮。我们也不难发现,这种译法强调的是清明时节的气候状况,和其他节气的翻译出发点一致。比如立夏被译为"Summer begins"、小寒、大寒分别被译为"Slight cold"和"Great cold"。 所以讲到这里,你应该对清明怎么用英文说有了基本的了解,可不要忘了分情况表达哦! 清明节的英文例句: 假如您是中国人,您也许会庆祝清明节。 If you were Chinese, you might celebrate Ching Ming. 为甚麽我们在清明节要扫墓啊?。 Why must we go and sweep the tomb on Tomb Sweeping Day? 清明节的时候,我们去为忠烈扫墓。 In early April, we went to sweep the martyrs graves. 后天清明节。 The day after tomorrow is the Clear and Bright Day. 你清明节有放假吗? Do you have holidays on Tomb Sweeping Festival? 清明节对中国人来说是一个很重要日子。 Tomb-sweeping day is an important day for chinese. 写出了清明节的特殊气氛。 Write the tomb-sweeping day special atmosphere. 清明节我们放假三天。 We have three days free on Tomb-sweeping Day. 清明节在中国大陆地区是法定节假日。 The Qingming Festival is a statutory public holiday in mainland China. 随着时间的推移,寒食也为清明节所替代。 Over time, Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day. 四月份的清明节期间,对原该县百姓开放。 It reopened to former residents during Qingming, or tomb-sweeping day, in April. 在这个追思逝者的清明节,人们却更多地感受到了生命的力量、生命的顽强,他们表达着来自同胞的关爱与对国家救援的赞赏。 In this Tomb Sweeping Day for memorizing the deceased, people neverthelesssensed more of the power of life and showed great concern to their compatriotsand great compliment to our state’s rescue. 清明节的雨不知道停,把男孩淋了个透。 The rain did not stop at all, wetting the boy entirely. 随着清明节的到来,全国各地的人们都在怀念和哀悼逝去的亲友。 People around China commemorated deceased relatives and friends as theQingming Festival begins. 清明节是扫墓拜祭先人的日子。 The Qingming Festival in spring is the occasion for visiting ancestral graves. 据中国传统习俗,人们通常在清明节放风筝。 According to our traditions and customs, flying kites usually happen at the QingMing Festival. 重阳节登山和清明节扫墓等民俗应当被铭记,因为它们是中国文化遗产不可或缺的组成部分。 Folk customs like climbing a mountain during the Double Ninth Festival orcleaning the tombs during the Qingming Festival deserve to be remembered asthey are integral part of the Chinese heritage. 清明节是一个纪念祖先的节日。 Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. 某石头艺术公园,游人享受清明节前夕的好天气。 Visitors to a calligraphy stone park enjoy the good weather on the eve ofQingming, or Tomb Sweeping Day, in Beijing. (April 4, 2011) (Ng Han Guan/Associated Press) 人们在清明节会怎样过? How do people celebrate Qingming Featival? 随着中国人在一年一度的清明节期间祭祀先人,公墓及殡葬服务价格暴涨成为激起民愤的一个焦点问题。 As millions paused to honor their ancestors during the annual Tomb-Sweeping Festival, the increasing cost of cemetery plots and funerals has become a focusof national anger. 周一是中国传统的清明节,人们在这一天祭奠逝 去的亡灵。 Monday was Chinas traditional "Tomb-Sweeping Day", when people mourn theirdead. 清明节在中国大陆地区是法定节假日。 The Qingming Festival is a statutory public holiday in mainland China. 据中国气象局消息,我国淮河以南的南方地区在清明节后的3天将迎来一次明显的降水过程。 Substantial rainfall will hit most of the area to the south of the Huaihe River in 3days after the Qingming Festival, according to the China Meteorological Administration. |
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