标题 | 世界红十字日的英语作文 |
范文 | 关于2015世界红十字日的英语作文 Each year world Red Cross and red crescent day is on May 8, 2007, the international theme of the world Red Cross and red crescent day is "hand in hand for the humane", this subject is designed to clarify together can make action and purpose of the Red Cross red crescent to implement better execution. Nowadays, humanitarian action a massive challenge for all of the Red Cross each other together. The international Red Cross and red crescent societies (IFRC) called for the Red Cross in all levels and areas all over the world, in order to can put forward more powerful and effective stress and development countermeasures, the performance of the global agenda. "Hand in hand for humanitarian" also will become the theme of the 2007 international conference, the subject will also be in the next four years to become an international federation's official slogan. IFRC will call for the world in the name of humanitarian work together to jointly fight against natural disasters, disease, poverty and discrimination. This unity can for humanitarian causes from the various interpretations, such as and some humanitarian association and some groups of cooperation, the cooperation with donors, and together with the Red Cross's 94 million volunteers each year to make people have difficulty in 277 million. 每年的五月八日是世界红十字与红新月日,2007年世界红十字与红新月日的国际主题是携手为人道”,这一主题旨在阐明团结一致可以令红十字红新月的行动和宗旨更好地被执行贯彻。现今,人道主义行为面临的大规模挑战需要各国红十字会相互联合起来。国际红十字和红新月联合会(IFRC)号召各国红会在所有层面和领域合作,以求可以提出更强大的更有效的应激和发展对策,履行全球议程。 携手为人道”同样将成为2007年国际性会议的主题,这一主题也将在接下来的四年内成为国际联合会的官方标语。IFRC将呼吁全世界以人道主义的名义通力合作,共同对抗自然灾害、疾病、贫困和歧视。这为人道主义事业的团结可以从多方面诠释,比如和一些人道主义协会和一些团体的合作、与捐赠者的合作,以及连同红会所属的9400万志愿者每年使2亿7700万有困难的人获益。 |
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