标题 | 英语演讲稿开场白 |
范文 | 英语演讲稿开场白 在日常生活和工作中,我们都有可能会需要用到开场白,开场白就是在演出或者其他开场时引入本题的道白。那么,大家知道开场白要怎么写吗?下面是小编为大家整理的英语演讲稿开场白,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语演讲稿开场白1These five great ways to open a speech will make you stand out from the bunch(下面的演讲开场白会让你在演讲中脱颖而出): 1、"Doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners." Did that get your attention? I sure hope so! Begin by startling your audience. 2、"Once upon a time..." Tell a story. Everyone loves a good story, especially if it is one that people don't expect, and one that is told exceptionally well. Begin with a story that is related to the topic; don't tell a story just for the sake of it. 3、"Please raise your hand if you..." Get them to participate immediately, The idea is to get the audience moving and doing something very quickly. Your worst enemy is stillness. So get them moving as often and as early as possible. 4、"Remember the last time you..." Establish contact early. Your goal is to get the audience to think of themselves and to feel something related to your topic. Then, you can build on it. Make sure it is an experience most people have shared. 5、"......................" Silence is golden. Before uttering a single word, wait a few seconds. Stand in silence in front of the audience, for five or ten seconds if you can stand it. Then start with a bang. Here are five ways to begin a speech in an unusual, yet captivating manner(下面这五种开场白可以使得你的演讲有种一种不寻常,但是很吸引人的方式): 1、"To speak for your ears, I have overcome fears, To silence your groans, My skills I have honed." Start with a poem or a rhyme. Pick a poem that is short, lively, and related to your theme or your message. 2、Start your speech with a song. Ideally, you want to sing on key. But if you cannot hold a tune, think of it as a great start to a humorous speech! 3、Use an audio entrance. Pre-record the first lines of your speech to set the tone. Take care, though, that your recording sounds professional and not tinny, otherwise you will get a negative effect. 4、Blow up a balloon. Or do something equally unexpected. Catch the audience off guard. Make sure nobody is drinking hot liquid when you do this. 5、Perform a magic trick. There are many easy magic tricks you can find online. Take the audience by surprise and make it entertaining from the start. The two most important parts of a speech are the introduction and the conclusion. The introduction sets the tone for your speech, while the conclusion determines how the audience will feel when they leave. Don't set yourself up for failure from the start: drop these awful openings from your repertoire. Instead, replace them with an opening that sets you apart and readies you to deliver a great speech. 英语演讲稿开场白2Good afternoon, my dear teachers and friends, Suppose you are in a dark cave alone now. Maybe you can not find any hope, you are trembling and frightened. What will you do? What will you say? Will you give up? (……) No we should not give up. We should try our best to find hope. So today, I am honored to stand here to share my opinion with you---- Let’s say NO to Give UP. 英语演讲稿开场白3应当怎样做好演讲的开头呢? 一、开头要为听众解释关键术语。如果演讲的成功与否取决于听众能否理解演讲中的某些术语或概念,那么在演讲开头时对关键术语加以解释就显得格外重要了。 二、开头要能激发出听众的兴趣。从本质上说,听众是很自私的,他们只是在感到能从演讲中有所收获时才专心去听演讲。演讲的开头应当回答听众心中的“我为什么要听?”这一问题。 三、开头要为听众说明演讲目的。在大多数情况下,演讲的开头应揭示出演讲的目的。如果做不到这一点,那么听众要么会对演讲失去兴趣,要么会误解演讲的目的,或者甚至于会怀疑演讲者的动机。 四、开头要能吸引听众的注意。演讲开头成败的关键在于能否吸引并集中听众的注意力。演讲时获取听众注意力的方式随题材、听众和场景的不同而改变,一般可以运用事例、轶闻、经历、反诘、引言、幽默等手段达此目的。 五、开头要能争取到听众的信任。有时候,听众可能会对演讲者的动机发出疑问,或是与演讲者持相反的观点。在诸如此类的场合--特别是想改变听众的观点或行为时--要使演讲成功就需要建立或是提高听众对演讲者的信任感。 六、开头要为听众阐述演讲结构。演讲时,应当利用开头部分对演讲内容加以概述,让听众了解演讲的中心思想和结构。特别是当演讲的主题很复杂,或是专业性较强,或是需要论证几个观点时,这样做就能使演讲显得清楚而易于理解。 七、开头要为听众提供背景知识。演讲时,演讲者被认为是专家或权威。因此,如果听众对演讲的主题不熟悉或是知之甚少,那么很有必要在开头部分对听众讲述与主题有关的背景知识,它们不仅是听众理解演讲所必需的,而且还可以体现出主题的重要性。 演讲注意事项 1、开头的第一句话声音必定要响亮,吸引大家的.注意力。有的选手声音很小或声音很平,在开场时就已经占了劣势。 2、开场的前一分钟很重要,在这一分钟里要用你慷慨激昂的声音和活泼丰富的内容吸引观众,否则观众失去了兴趣,就会弄得最后没听懂你在说些什么,变成了自言自语。 3、人人都在讲自己怎么样在艰苦中寻求活力,人人都在讲我骄傲,我骄傲,因为我是企业的一员,听上去没有新鲜感,自然也不会吸引人,而能标新立异,内容有创新,事例有**,才会脱颖而出。 4、语言要流畅,(必须对演讲稿重复熟悉),声音要响亮,语气激昂,抑扬顿挫,饱含情感地讲述,保持放松的心态,以微笑面对观众,用适当的手势。用真挚和热情的心去演讲,这些都是取得成功的不二法则。 5、多讲些活泼感人的事例,有的选手去讲营销的理论知识,让人听得很枯燥,而一些选手是将营销的方法融入到自己的实际工作中去,通过具体事例讲自己如何在工作利用营销方法取得了成功,这样才会吸引观众。 6、煽情有时真的很重要,在挑衅主持人的节目里常常有些选手用煽情打动观众来拉票,人是情感动物,在被激动的同时自然也会偏向于此。有位选手讲自己的孩子生病了,但自己忙于工作无暇照顾,说的很动情流泪,观众被打动了,评委也被打动了,结果她的分数就很高。 7、有的选手在上场时先是客套一番,感谢领导给这个机会,感谢领导的栽培。不知领导是否真的爱听这些话,但我个人认为,这是演讲比赛,不是说致酒辞,作为普通观众来说听这些话感到很罗嗦,很虚伪,容易让观众失去兴趣,反倒是开门见山,介绍完自己和标题后便进入主题的演讲更吸引人。 |
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