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涉外文秘专业个人简历 姓名: | xxx | 国籍: | 中国 | 个人照片 | 目前所在地: | 广州 | 民族: | 汉族 | 户口所在地: | 清远 | 身材: | 155 cm?42 kg | 婚姻状况: | 未婚 | 年龄: | 25 岁 | 培训认证: | | 诚信徽章: | | 人才类型: | 普通求职? | 应聘职位: | 外贸/贸易专员/助理:外贸业务员 英语翻译 英语跟单翻译 | 工作年限: | 5 | 职称: | 中级 | 求职类型: | 全职 | 可到职- | 随时 | 月薪要求: | 3500--5000 | 希望工作地区: | 广州 | 个人工作经历: | 2002.8-2004.5 Fenchris International Co.,Ltd. Interpreter (负责商务洽谈翻译,必要时还独立完成采购、定单、跟单、质检等工作,能够独立完成外贸出口的工作流程,工作表现深受企业赞赏)
2004.6-2007 广州市飞虎运输代理有限公司 文员兼翻译 1,负责办公室日常全面事务,能够很好地协助领导完成办公室日常管理工作 2、完成外贸业务的各工作环节(并负责空运,海运的订仓,报价,出单,跟踪货物情况等工作) 3、在公司外贸业务营运的全过程中,承担随身翻译、笔译工作(全权负责外国客户在中国的采购工作,与厂商谈判,与客户沟通协调以至达成双赢局面。并负责跟单,出货,质检,到最后的出口到该客户国家的工作。如果客户到中国,就要外出负责他的采购翻译工作) | | 毕业院校: | 广东女子职业技术学院 | 最高学历: | 大专 | 毕业- | 2002-07-01 | 所学专业一: | 涉外文秘 | 所学专业二: | Business English | 受教育培训经历: | 1999.9-2002.7 广东女子职业技术学院 涉外文秘 全国秘书证书等级考试一级 广东省计算机等级考试中级 2003.9 全国公共英语等级考试3级 (PETS3)
2005.8-2006.1 广州津桥外语培训中心 高级口语培训 已培训完毕
2007.5-2008.8 ENGLISH FIRST英孚教育(Hult International Business School) 商务英语 目前已经获得该校的.英语第11级水平(最高水平为14级,13级水平则可免托福考试出国) | | 外语: | 英语 优秀 | | | 国语水平: | 精通 | 粤语水平: | 精通 | | | 1、熟练处理各种办公室日常事务; 2、能够独立完成空运、海运、采购、跟单等外贸工作; 3、具备良好的商务洽谈翻译能力; 4、具有优秀的英语听、说、读、写能力 | | | 本人性格开朗,乐观,具有良好的沟通能力和适应能力,吃苦耐劳的精神。心理承受能力强。具有良好的协调能力。工作认真负责,热爱外贸工作、翻译工作,富有工作热情,具有团队精神。为人随和,能与人友好相处,拥有良好的人际关系。
希望自己在公司里能够充分发挥自己的才能,并用自己的专业知识及聪明才智为贵公司的发展尽绵薄之力! | English Resume: | Resume
Personal Detail: Sex: Female Data of Birth: July,1983 Nationality: Chinese Permanet Residence: Qingyuan ,Guangdong Marital Status: Single Health: Good Characters: Responsible, adaptable ,optimistic, open-mindedness, and hard working Hobbies: Reading ,listening music and sports Job Experience: 2004.6-2007 Guangzhou Flying Tiger Transport Agential Co.,Ltd.
Responsibilities: Dealed with the office daily affairs. Responsible for the air & sea shipping space booking, quotation, export applying documents typing, goods tracking. Helped Foreign customer do the purchase in China, negotiated with the factory, assorted with the customer so that they both get win-win.(If the customers came to China, cooperated with them to do the purchase and translation .) Made the order, followed up the order, quality checked 2002.8-2004.5 Fenchris International Co.,Ltd.
Responsibilities: Dealed with the office daily affairs. Responsible for business affairs negotiation and translation. Helped customers do the purchase in China. Made the order, followed up the order, quality checked
Languages: Fluent in English, mandarin and Cantonese
Special Skills: a.Fluent in oral English and English writing & listening b.Capable of coordinating and social communicating c.Familiar with Microsoft Office ,such as Word and Excel d.Familiar with the air & sea shipping handling
Education: 2007,5-2008,8 English First Education( Hult International Business School) Subject: Business English Expected August 2008 By now I’ve got Level 11 Pre-Advanced Certificate 2005.8-2006.1 Guangzhou JinQiao Languages Training Center
Subject: Advanced Oral English
2004-Present Guangdong Foreign language university
Major: English (Study by myself ,and almost pass all the subjects.)
2003.9 Passed PETS 3 (Public English Test System)
1999.9-2002.7 Guangdong Women’s Professional Technical College
Major: Secretary concerning foreign affairs ( English ) Passed : Primary Secretary diploma
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