Test and set switch gear and circuit breaker relays for proper coordination. 测试并设置开关柜及断路器继电器的配位是否正确。 Manufacturing of whole set switch equipment ( WSSE) is a critical part of power industry. 开关成套设备制造行业是我国电力工业的`重要组成部分,对国民经济中电力的稳定传输与配送具有举足轻重的意义。 The set meal comprises all the food you see here. 套餐包含你在这里看到的每样食物。 We each ordered set meal that consisted a cup of coke. 套餐里每人一杯加冰的可乐。 Which do you prefer, the set meal or a carte? 吃什么,快餐还是点菜? 上一篇:高一开学军训多久 下一篇:问句like后面加什么 |